Monday, March 1, 2021

Where to Start

 Note: This was originally published in March 2021. Due to an error through Blogger, where my post was incorrectly flagged as violating polices, it was taken down. This happened to other users posts as well. Though the error was corrected and my post was reinstated, this text will likely post with a new date.

I have heard from others and have often said myself, “The hardest part is getting started.” It’s often said because it’s true. Starting gives you momentum to keep going. In a recent example, I was already writing this blog entry in my head right after my first return post on this 2021 calendar year. Writing creates more writing.

Starting is intimidating for me when I see a massive project before me. It’s too overwhelming to tackle, and I just don’t know where to pin point that initial dive in. I have a million or more ideas, but executing them is a different story. Polishing them and assuring they are readable and enjoyable is even more daunting.

However, I have been learning about approaching projects in other aspects of my life. One of my interests right now is purging stuff I don’t need from my home while studying minimalism. Part of me wants to dive into my journey as I go through this process. Another part of me wants to write about my current health flare. I’d also love to write about child care and creative learning projects. There are so many things to write about. It’s exciting! Right now, however, I’ll keep writing about my process of well…writing. It’s a start!

Fear and inexperience are what hinder me from practicing writing. What scares me the most about large writing projects is the editing. Vomiting words on the page is much easier than trying to tame them. More particularly, I struggle with self-editing. I set myself up for this issue, unfortunately. I stayed away from a teacher in college who I could have learned a great deal from simply because her demeanor frightened me. If I could do college all over again, I would take some of her classes. Despite this avoidance in the past, I have gotten better at self-editing shorter pieces of writing, but I freeze when I think of editing my novel.

I still don’t know exactly where I want to go from here with my writing, but I have arrived at the keyboard on day two of this journey of my attempt to improve my skills. I do know I want to get more personal and less vague. It’s time for some real talk, though there will likely be some more mindless wandering or journal-like release pieces as I figure this out.

I think I’m going to write about a difficult topic soon as the timing is personal to me even as I write this. For now, I must rest as I am writing in the early hours of the morning once again. I will try to bring more words to the page later today.

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Beginning Again & Being Honest with Myself


I found myself wanting to write late this evening. This past year has been an interesting one. I have faced many health challenges that are non-COVID related. I have had to focus hard core on my physical health in order to have any hope of functioning day to day. However, I have neglected my mental health, and I have not been writing much. Though I follow a daily regiment related to my physical health to try to maintain some type of normalcy, I don’t follow any daily habits for writing. That needs to change so I’m starting here.

I’m not sure where this will lead. I’m not making any promises regarding this blog. However, I want to make a commitment to writing. I don’t know what that looks like yet. I have tried this blog and others in the past only to not keep up with it. I used to beat myself up over that, but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I just want to write.

I have two big projects I have worked on and off over the years. I find it hard to blog and work on big projects simultaneously, but perhaps this blog is a good place to start despite those challenges. I just need to write something.

I’ve spent too much time worrying about how the words come out and how many mistakes I will make. Perfectionism permeates my being, but I don’t want to let it control me anymore.

From here let me say that I am writing to write. There will be mistakes. I’m not perfect. I’m going to get a lot of things wrong. But that’s okay. It’s better than doing nothing with my words. My words can’t be of any use at all if they stay stuck swirling around in my head. There might be a lot of trash put out on this page, but there will be some gems too. That’s a big part of writing – getting all the junk out before you can get to the good stuff. I guess I need to get the worst of it out quickly so quality follows. This is a lifelong race, however, and I’m not trying to speed through it. The journey feels fresh right now. I don’t know exactly where I’m starting from or where I’m heading, but it’s time to begin again.  

I plan to write daily, but as with starting exercise, I need to start small. If I can plan to write something each day, I’ll be happy. Then perhaps, I can call myself a writer without hesitating. Sure, I write all sorts of stories in my thoughts all the time, but I don’t let it out on paper as often as I should. So here I am, with all my flaws, back to telling stories. This is more of a journal-like release, but I suppose all blogs are a bit of that at least.

I want to write with purpose, intention, and self-control, but for now I’m just going to let it flow. The plan will come later.



Saturday, November 1, 2014

Starting the Race

Starting any race can be intimidating. Fears about timing, performance and whether or not finishing is possible can easily invade thoughts or be discouraging. However, the hardest part as I stated in my last post, is starting. Any start can cause nervousness even if proper preparation is in place. The undetermined end is the real problem. Not knowing how the race while pan out is scary, but that's also part of the adventure.
Today I began my race. On day one of NaNoWriMo I was nervous I wouldn't be able to write much, but I pushed my fears aside, set my alarm for two hours of writing time, and began typing away. Soon the story took over, and I was typing away! Yes, there was pausing along the way as I thought about what to write next. I also may not been have able to write as fast as I would have liked. However, I did write. I wrote 1,695 words of my manuscript today. I wanted to reach 2,000 words at the end of two hours, but I am happy with my accomplishment. Who knows, maybe I'll write the remaining 305 words later. For now, I am happy with my accomplishment, and I am going to reward myself with a break!
To follow the NaNoWriMo journey from day one please visit National Novel Writing Month.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I Think I Can

The hardest part of any project truly is starting. My mind creates so many doubts before I can even begin my writing. Earlier when I sat down to write I thought, "I can't do this." From there I kept worrying about how unprepared I was for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and how I didn't know what I was going to write on day one. Then something changed. I stopped procrastinating on the internet took my planning one step at a time. Quickly, my thoughts changed to, "I can do this." It seems simple, but how many times do I put off valuable projects simply because I fear the unknown? The answer is too many times to count!

Does it really matter if I fail? Maybe. However, I'd like to think that my effort means something even if I don't reach 50,000 words. I am trying my best and learning something from this. And you know what? I actually feel prepared to tackle NaNoWriMo on Saturday after further preparing tonight. I also recognize that I cannot be completely prepared for a novel sized writing project, and I have to be okay with that. I may not know all of what is coming my way, but isn't that part of the adventure?

To follow the NaNoWriMo journey from day one please visit National Novel Writing Month or continue the journey with Starting the Race.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Day Approaches

I have four days until National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). As the official start date draws near, I have been scribbling details of my fantasy world. A tool I have been using as I jot down my ideas is a binder. It is an organized binder with tabs for blank paper, an outline, notes, how to (articles on such topics as worldbuilding), maps, images, and of course a tab for the manuscript. Despite my organization and my production of ideas the past couple of days, I feel unprepared. I know little to nothing about my fiction world. Okay, okay...I know more than I let on, but there are so many details missing. I'm not sure how I am going to pound away at the keyboard in a few days when I haven't adequately created my world.

I know I can't let doubt get in the way. I will do this somehow, I'm just not sure how yet! I will start from the reworked opening of my story and let my fingers do the talking. If I overthink too much as I type, the magic won't happen. For now, off to the planning!

The water may be icy, but it's time to dive in!
To follow the NaNoWriMo journey from day one please visit National Novel Writing Month or continue to follow the journey with I Think I Can.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

National Novel Writing Month

In the month of November I will begin my journey of writing a novel in thirty days. The goal is to reach 50,000 words by the end of the month. Yes, this is a short goal for a novel. However, the point is to throw words on the page non-stop. The recommendation is to write like crazy with no editing. After the end of the November, I can go back and slice out what I don't need or add more substance where required. This is indeed going to be a crazy month. I need to do this so I know that I can!

I'll try not to be disappointed if I don't reach 50,000 words. However, having that goal is a good to keep me going. Making a habit of writing daily and producing a workable product is what is most important. I am sure I will have a lot to learn from National Novel Writing Month.

Since mid October I have attempted to prepare for this marathon by writing down a basic outline and details of the fantasy world I will be creating. My first novel took me three years to complete with no pre-planning. I don't have that luxury this time around. It's time to go crazy now. Let the creativity begin!

To continue the NaNoWriMo journey please visit The Day Approaches.

If you are interested in participating in National Novel Writing month, check out the official website:

Monday, April 28, 2014

Green Tips

I have started a natural living blog! I am not discontinuing Flowing & Ebbing. My new blog, Butterflies & Dirt, is simply an additional resource. If you are interested my hippie habits please visit my new website for tips on a green lifestyle and for product reviews.